Monday, October 19, 2009

Benifits of a Blog

Benifits of a Blog:

  • They allow many users to acess programs and data at the same time.

  • They allow users to share peripheral devices, such as printers and scanners.

  • They make personal communications easier.

  • They make it easy for users and adminstrators to back up imortant data files.

Differences between WANs and LANs:

A LAN (Local Area Network) is a network of computers that are relatively near each other and are connected in a way that enables them to communicate (by a cable, an infrared link, or a small wireless device.) A WAN (Wide Area Network) is two or more LANs connected together, generally across wide geographical area.

Identify at least three common network topologies. Insert an image from the web of each.





Four examples of network operation system software.

  • Novell NetWare

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server

  • Microsoft Windows 2000

  • Microsoft XP

In a client/server network, individual computers share the processing and storage workload with a central server. in a peer-to-peer network, all nodes on the network have equal relationships to all others, and all have simialr types of software that support the sharing of resources.

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